Because ZRE paddles all have a three-piece construction, you may replace your paddle blade if needed.
What You Will Need
Eye Protection
Dust Protection
Heat Gun
Fine-Tooth Hacksaw Blade or Band Saw
Needle-Nose Pliers
Sandpaper (Coarse Grit)
Epoxy Glue (Devcon 5-Minute Epoxy Works Well)
Cut the existing blade off, leaving approximately 0.75 inches past the shaft.
Drill out the existing foam in the three-inch-long blade stub inside the shaft.
Use a heat gun to heat the outside area of the blade stub sleeve left inside the shaft. It will have to be hot. Be patient; it may take a minute.
Using needle-nose pliers (regular pliers will also work), grab the 0.75-inch piece that extends past the shaft and try to carefully work the carbon sleeve loose. If it does not break loose, reheat and try again. The shaft is hot and rubbery. Be careful not to damage it!
Once the blade stub sleeve breaks loose from the shaft, pull it out.
Clean out the old epoxy glue that may be left in the shaft. Sanding works well. Empty debris from inside the shaft.
Apply epoxy glue to the new ZRE blade stub and insert it inside the shaft. The larger ZRE sticker should face forward,
Line up grip to the end of blade, clean excess glue, and let dry before using.
Contact us today with any questions you may have about blade replacement.